Thursday, February 26, 2009

The onion blossom opened up to a beautiful white bloom! It almost always has one bee on it, and it smells like an onion cooking...mmmmmm!

We also have a tiny baby tomato!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Here Piggy Piggy

We found another way to recycle our old newspapers....

Piggy Banks!

Each kid got a balloon, and dipped the newspaper in a flour and water paste. They put the slimy paper on the balloon and added pieces of toilet paper rolls for the feet and snouts. When it was dry they painted it the color of their choice!! Now they have a place to keep all their money!!

Our tomatoes are starting to get big, and should be bearing fruit soon! There are 3 plants currently growing along the trellis.

Our green onions, which we planted from our leftovers last Chinese New Year, have gotten a blossom on top! Look for more pictures once this blossom opens.

Winter Freeze

The greenbeans are still trying to come back from the damage they suffered during the two chilly days we had last month. We had one more great harvest right before the freeze.....

But then the cold weather really stunted the plants....

Our harvest has been really small ever since, but the plants seem to be generating lots of new healthy green leaves, and the greenbeans should be back soon.

Wes with our most recent greenbean harvest

The eggplants, beets, and turnips really seemed to like the cold weather and have been growing really well.


Turnips and Beets

One of our eggplants even has a couple of blossoms on it!!