Friday, May 15, 2009


So our first successful eggplant was white...we thought that the new one would be purple since it started to come in green. It turns out that there are yellow eggplants too.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Harvesting tomatoes

I can only think that the worm castings have really helped our veggies along this year since we essentially planted them in Florida sand without much rich soil.

Ashtyn working in the garden

One of the tomato plants is more than 5 feet tall, and the others are not far behind.

The greenbeans have just about finished producing, but we planted more seeds, so it shouldn't be too long before we are enjoying them again.

Today we collected the last of the greenbeans, our first tomatoes, a jalapeno and our first white eggplant.

Ashtyn with today's harvest

And growing...

We are having so much fun in the garden with this beautiful weather!

The eggplant just kept on growing, but never turned purple. After consulting with my brother in Virginia, he informed me that there is another type of eggplant that is white. ( )

Caitlin is showing how big the eggplant got right before it got a small rot spot. We will try cooking it up next week.

There is also a purple eggplant growing on another plant. This one is still small, but it is growing fast.

Caitlin with the new eggplant

The green onions just keep on blossoming. If anyone wants seeds, let us know and we can gather some for you.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tomatoes And Eggplants Are Coming In

Wes is inspecting our baby tomatoes in this picture. There are only a few so far, but there are lots of blossoms so we know more tomatoes are coming!

We also have our first eggplant growing! It has grown so much in a week! Check it out!

The Beans Are Back

Well, the beans have come back in full force. We have been able to pick a couple of handfuls every other day, and I must say, green beans are a great healthy snack and they are so tasty!

The green onion blossom opened up and put out some seeds. Once the seeds dry out we can try planting some.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The onion blossom opened up to a beautiful white bloom! It almost always has one bee on it, and it smells like an onion cooking...mmmmmm!

We also have a tiny baby tomato!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Here Piggy Piggy

We found another way to recycle our old newspapers....

Piggy Banks!

Each kid got a balloon, and dipped the newspaper in a flour and water paste. They put the slimy paper on the balloon and added pieces of toilet paper rolls for the feet and snouts. When it was dry they painted it the color of their choice!! Now they have a place to keep all their money!!